Can Eminem's music negatively influence me?


I've been listening to Eminem for a few years now. He has some "nice" songs, but also a lot that are about violence, drugs, etc. Now I'm wondering if the negative lyrics could influence me. My mother also said that Eminem is usually only listened to by people who understand him, i.e. people who might be in a similar situation to him. But that's not me. I have a good relationship with my parents, I don't take drugs, and my life is generally good. I only listen to Eminem's songs because I like the music and his "talent" for rhyming and writing lyrics. Of course, I don't really like some of the lyrics because, for example, he swears a lot or sings about murder, like in Kim (which is why I don't listen to it). But I don't just listen to "negative songs," but also "positive ones" like love songs by Scrubb, etc. I also listen to Eminem less often these days.

Now I'm just wondering if it has any influence on me that I listen to some Eminem songs that aren't really "good" (violence, drugs, etc.) (otherwise I tend to listen to more "harmless" songs where he doesn't swear so much or talk about bad things) and yes, as I said, I also listen to positive music.

thanks in advance


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4 months ago

So if you let yourself be influenced then

If this is the case, do not listen to this:

4 months ago

Be careful not to get on the wrong track…

4 months ago

I think that if you already have a tendency towards drug abuse and violence, this music has definitely confirmed you in your thoughts and actions and you can identify you more than without this music on the wrong track device.

But I don’t think without this tendency, the identification with his situation and the feeling, I also want it as he “you won’t start with drugs or violence.

But a fateful blow will possibly change this .