Kann meine Freundin dieses Pony überhaupt noch reiten?


Meine Freundin hat eine rb und reitet mit 1,68 ein 1,45 großes Pferd ( 52 kg) (Ich frage für sie mal nach)

Denkt ihr das passt oder nicht?

Lg Lara und Magdalena

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1 year ago

As a rough rule of thumb, a rider should not weigh more than 20% of the body weight of the horse. With a rider weighing 52 kg, the horse should weigh at least 260 kg to carry the weight of the rider. However, there are also other factors that need to be taken into account, such as the physical condition of the horse, the type of horse riding,…

1 year ago

Depends on how the pony is trained and how good your girlfriend can ride.

If the pony is in training and your girlfriend can ride a bit, it fits.

If the pony has hardly any muscles, then not. Then the size would not matter. You shouldn’t make a horse.