Kann mein Roller aufgrund von Falschluft nicht mehr anspringen?
ich bin gerade dabei eine Speedfight 2 LC zu reparieren, und stehe gerade vor einem Problem. Nach vollständigem Motor Neuaufbau springt der Roller nun nicht mehr an.
Benzin kommt im Vergaser an. Zündfunke ist da. E-Choke funktioniert. Kompression des Motors stimmt auch.
Nun habe ich heute eine Enddeckung gemacht, unzwar ist die Dichtung zwischen Vergaser und Ansaugstutzen nicht ganz dicht (allerdings nicht lose oder ähnliches sondern nur leicht undicht) und jetzt frage ich mich ob es an so etwas liegen kann, das der Roller nicht anspringt. Falls nicht an was könnte es noch liegen?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten schonmal 🙂
Certainly not because of a little false air, even empty gasoline feeds can be the cause(underpressure), try to spray the following,Startpilot/Bremsenreiniger directly into the air filter/gasifier, if this is not available, out candle and spray a little gasoline into the cylinder!
Thanks for the answer I’ve tried everything anyway
Completely disassembled engine, KW bearing and simmerings changed, new piston (correct, after marking) installed, ring impact play of the piston rings measured with the sensor gauge, piston rings mounted properly around, squeezing edge checked/measured with a piece of solder tin, ignition and gasifier set….just to name a few important points.
Then it can really be on the false air, because the window for ignitable mixture is quite narrow.
Thanks for the answer yes I have already thought at temperatures that can already be
Well, if that’s the mistake…
Did you check the spark? Ignition correctly set? Come on, gas? Is the float okay and the chamber doesn’t run over? Did the carburetor equipment change?
In addition to false air, these points are also not insignificant (small cause, great effect)
Okay, gasoline and sparks are okay. Is the ignition time right?
Do not know exactly how to control that I will try this morning at daylight and then again thank you for the idea
In any case, as soon as it is leaking or even licking, it does not work.
I’m sure he’ll start again.
Of course, the part draws false air, so right in which there is no gasoline, so tell how to do that part then, yeah how?????
First change seal. And then keep looking.
So this could be the reason?
Yeah, what do people write to you?
Yes logical.