Kann mein Koffer kaum noch hochheben?

Wir fahren morgen mit der Klasse in ein Hostel. Der einzige Koffer, den ich habe, ist mir zu schwer. Ich habe nur das nötigste mitgenommen. Aber allein, dass der Koffer mehrere Metallstangen beinhaltet, welche ihn stabilisieren, machen ihn schwer. Das Problem ist, beim Eingang sind mehrere Treppenstufen. Ich hab jetzt die Zweifel, dass ich den nicht hochtragen kann und dann da rumstehe. Was soll ich machen?

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3 years ago

Either find an alternative or just travel with the suitcase. You’re not alone, someone will be able to help you. And that you need help is nothing bad.

Enjoy the ride! =)

3 years ago

Take two bigger pockets.

3 years ago

Can it be that the metal rods are the device for pulling? There are no suitcases with stabilizing metal rods.

3 years ago

Please send someone from your class to help

3 years ago

Somebody ask to help you.

Don’t hurt.

3 years ago
Reply to  iamveryscary

Of course, the suitcase will be brought to your room in a hotel. This is absolutely common, and if not, then complain at the reception. How much do you remember?

3 years ago
Reply to  iamveryscary

Anyone can always find themselves, usually without asking

You have to trust to ask. It doesn’t hurt, and it’s not a shame to help.

You have to learn to help, I know that this is not easy

3 years ago

Mäus goes on a class trip to a hostel – max. comparison with a hostel – so “Kofferboy” adé.

3 years ago

I only took the most necessary.

Schmunzel……. with considerable probability, at least half of this content could remain at home.

What should I do?

Let Papa take the contents of the suitcase and “short”.

Otherwise – at max. 4 ?? Overnights …. what please weigh 5 clips + 4 pairs of socks + T-shirts + max. 2 sweater + a replacement pants and an additional pair of shoes and possibly a umbrella or rain jacket. Hygienic articles + make-up can be spread to a maximum of 1 kilo. Sizing and gripping: appropriately pack instead of dragging half the wardrobe.

3 years ago

There are suitcases with rollers, and where you can pull the handle out. In each hotel the guests will of course be taken care of the luggage and carried to the room.