Kann MDMA einen Horrortrip auf LSD verhindern?
Also ein sogenannter “Candy Flip”
Kann das MDMA wegen seiner Euphorisierenden Wirkung einen LSD-Horrortrip verhindern?
Also ein sogenannter “Candy Flip”
Kann das MDMA wegen seiner Euphorisierenden Wirkung einen LSD-Horrortrip verhindern?
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Ich bin weiblich und 16 und ungefähr 1,68 m groß. Ich weiß, dass das überdurchschnittlich ist (für Frauen). Aber alle in meiner Familie, außer meine kleinen Brüder, sind größer. Ich wollte fragen, ob man in meinem Alter noch nennenswert wächst. Ich bin in den letzten Jahren kaum gewachsen.
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Even if one assumes that the likelihood of a negative experience is so reduced: it is not prevented! Brain chemistry is much more complex than serotonin does well. It is also possible to have extremely negative experiences of fear and panic under MDMA.
Drugscouts also provide the following warning for this mixed consumption:
These are tips…
This may have worked at one person or another – but who doesn’t get clear on his drug and then introduces more drugs… This can also go back enormously.
MDMA is an amphetamine derivative that acts in quite different places than LSD. Under certain circumstances, benzodiazepines can help. They do not lift up the effect of the LSD, but they have a strong calming effect, which is certainly helpful in a horror trip.
In mixed consumption, it is generally difficult to predict how a combination will work. As well as never, the risk profile is improved by mixed consumption.