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Too young is always under 18. Too young to estimate that. With 18 you are not the most mature person, but a lot more in the position than before.
Yes, of course.
Yeah, you can. All under 18 is too young and some are still.
Yeah, if the brain cells aren’t mature yet, you’re too young.
Well, the brain parts are mature only at about 30.
Yeah, well, we figured out the age. 🙂
Yeah, I can.
lg up
Of course. Children and adolescents are too young for vodka, but better is not a vodka to drink alcohol.
Yeah, and that’s all your life, you should never drink vodka. J
Yes, if you’re under 18, you’re too young for it
Of course you can. Until when was the use of alcohol banned? Yeah.
Well, as a toddler, I’d take care of it.
Yes, of course. And not only for vodka, but for any kind of alcohol.
Yeah, you can.
Ask the legislator.
Sure, for example, you don’t give a glass of vodka to a 4-year-old unless you’re a bad person.
Of course
This can only be someone who has already killed his brain cells with vodka.
Of course. What a question…