Kann man work and travel abbrechen?
Wie kann man das abbrechen? Passiert irgendetwas ?
Wie kann man das abbrechen? Passiert irgendetwas ?
Habe vorhin die Welt Nachrichten geschaut und da war ein thema wo menschen Python Schlangen töten warum? finde die hätten die am leben lassen sollen und zu Zoos oder woanders hinbringen sollen
Was passiert bei solchen Fällen ?
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Hallo, ich bin momentan in der Ausbildung zur Pflegefachkraft. Ich hab vor kurzem für mich entschieden dass ich Wochenbett total interessant finde. Mein Plan ist nachdem ich die Ausbildung abgeschlossen hab auf die Wochenbettstation gehe. Meine Überlegung ist auch danach vielleicht den Hebammenwissenschaft Studiengang anzustreben. Ich hab aber “nur” einen Realschulabschluss, weiß jemanden was meine…
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Why do you want to cancel a working holiday? That makes little sense.
And above all, why do you think about breaking it before you started it? I assume that you haven’t started it yet, because your question doesn’t exist at this point.
There may be many familial reasons why you have to interrupt, but you don’t have to leave immediately.
You can leave Australia as often as you like during the validity period of the visa and return to Australia. So you have another back door open. However, only during the period of validity of the visa. Don’t come back, fall it, and you’ve lost your chance. And you cannot apply for a new visa, because this working holiday visa is issued only once.
And this regulation applies to all working holiday offers in the different countries. See for example this link: https://www.australia.com/de-de/youth-travel/working-holiday-visa/faq.html
If you come back right away, you can extend your visa. For more information see hIer: https://www.australia.com/de-de/youth-travel/working-holiday-visa/how-to-apply-for-a-working-holiday-visa-417.html
You can definitely. In detail, it is a bit important whether you are doing this in your own right (then your purchased visa simply loses the validity at the moment you leave the country), or if you do that with an organization (in this case, depending on the contractual clauses, it can be that the money you are likely to have paid in advance cannot be refunded to you or at least cannot be fully refunded).
But no one can force you to stay in the country or stop you from going home (so a super-special take-off situation like Corona sometimes left out).
I don’t know how it’s in other countries, but in Australia you can travel in and out within the year in which the visa is valid. That’s why the visa would run out there.
Ah okay, I didn’t know that again
Nobody can force you to stay in a country if you don’t want to.
Not all countries offer W&T Visas you have linked.
But you can always leave. Either the visa is immediately invalid or not, sometimes you have to have a permit to enter again during the validity of the visa.
you can contact your Argentur, who will certainly advise you
@Dini1909. Who is taking an agency for w&t? – Head shaker
You’re just taking it at AuPair. You don’t have to.
You can, but then the W&T visa expires.
@Nelson100. Jein. It only fails if you don’t come back.