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1 year ago

The biggest challenge is to publish a book at all. It takes good ideas, talent and very good luck.

Most authors may be happy if the immense effort at the end brings any revenue at all. And even very successful authors with bestsellers have the challenge of continuously generating new books, fulfilling expectations, staying on the market, etc. It is quite insecure revenue, which must then also be seen in relation to work, acquaintance etc.

In order to be able to live from it, a book is hardly suitable to write, which is then rather a side effect of successful writing.

1 year ago

It’s not enough. There are many good writers who can absolutely not even live of it.

Of 10000, this might make a hand full. What does not mean that all others are worse than these.

You should not write in general if the top intention is money earning. You should write if you really have something to say/tell. Träsh is already more than enough – even on bestseller lists.

1 year ago

It’s like the Americans say: a closed shop. The publishers do not take up absolute laity in their business field, and the editors do so! Rather, a camel goes through a needle tube before a hobby author sells a book about a publisher.

1 year ago

Write good stories – that’s not enough.
Many thousands of authors write good stories in Germany.

Write books has developed into a widespread hobby.
Most write in their spare time – besides their actual profession.
And most hobby writers are happy if even readers find themselves for their books.

Living from selling their books, it only creates a handful of authors in Germany.

Even the first step that one is accepted by a publisher is a gigantic hurdle that only a few authors overcome. Publishers have no interest in new, unknown authors, who are not yet able to demonstrate experiences and successes.

How to proceed to gain experiences and first successes:

1. You can upload your books for publication on various pages on the Internet, e.g….

  • Wax pad
  • Fanfiction
  • Belletristica

These are pages where thousands of (young) authors publish, exchange their books and stories and gather first experiences as an author.

2.) You can publish your own books as Selfpublishing Book / eBook, e.g. via portals such as:

  • Book on Demand
  • epubli
  • Neobooks
  • Bookrix
  • Amazon Kindle KDP

3. If you have ambition, you should Young authors competitions participate. Those who win such competitions have good chances of being perceived by publishers or literary agents.

Good luck!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rubezahl2000

Very well summarized. Thank you 🙂 this is my experience – I can sign.

There are still a few platforms (Storyban), there are also adults and the quality is better than in Wattpad.

And for Selfpublishing:

Practically if you reject Amazon.

1 year ago

Many good authors stay under radar for a long time.

Authors are artists of words and most never manage to live. You don’t just have to write good books, but they have to be bought. You have to advertise. Be attentive.

Then you have to decide if you want to write under a publisher or if you do something without a publisher. What platforms you publish is essential.

You have to deliver what she wants. Then maybe it works.

1 year ago

Of course I do. However, you must be a relatively well-known author to live with it. So you’ll only be able to write next to each other for a long time and eventually you’ll be able to live on top of it. Besides, you have to write books all the time. Very rarely are 7/8 books. You have to have a lucky hit, which is more difficult in German.

First step would write and not give up. Rejections of beating and continuing!

1 year ago

Better do this as a side job….

I think this is more sensible, from you already have a frigr script that you want to market 😅…… there are also jobs similar to journalists…. that comes very close…

1 year ago

J.K. Rowling became a millionaire. So take them as a model.

1 year ago

Many good authors do that and you are stubborn, also mediocre are there and even total rivets sell their wound.

Who evaluates objectively? Is that even possible? The publishers are likely to have books sold.

One must not forget, one has already considered whether new editions of the DUDEN are still being printed; mine is from 1999, bad for the publisher.

1 year ago

Theoretically yes.

However, it is very important for the issue and whether it is desired by the publisher and by the population. It is best to write a fantasy novel, which is then filmed and marketed in a media-effective manner, by Disney or something. Example Harry Potter.

1 year ago

Well, I’ll say, J.K.Rowling has become MILLIADÄRIN only through her books. So…😅

1 year ago

If you are good, you can also live from work!

1 year ago

Marketing would be the keyword if the product/book is good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Acidbrain

Marketing takes over from the publisher. Finding a publisher who accepts the book is art.