Kann man wegen einem Rasurschnitt verbluten?


Ich will nur kurz sagen, dass ich keine Absicht habe, mich selbst zu verletzen, diese Frage ist aus purem Interesse und damit ich beim nächsten Mal vorsichtiger bin.

Ich habe mich vor ein paar Tagen rasiert und habe mir einen sehr langen und relativ tiefen und sehr stark blutenden Schnitt am Bein geholt. Ich bin sehr behaart, überall am Körper, also muss ich auch meine Unterarme rasieren.

Es ist mir bekannt, dass das Schneiden der Unterarmvene zum Verbluten führen kann. Wäre das auch unabsichtlich, durch eine kleine Unvorsichtigkeit beim Rasieren möglich? Wenn ja, wie kann man solche Blutungen stoppen?

Diese Frage soll niemanden zur Selbstverletzung führen oder inspirieren. Wenn man solche Vorhaben hat, soll man sich unbedingt an eine Vertrauensperson wenden oder bei Rat auf Draht / Suizidhotline melden!!

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4 months ago

I wouldn’t say you came so deep with a razor to cut into a percussion or vein. It can be natural that if a blade goes off and you fall unhappy or so that it goes deeper. But it is quite unlikely.

If this should happen and bleed strongly, then do not take the blade out, but above the interface try to “press” the body part and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

If, however, it is unlikely to happen and you do not really need to think about it. Shavers are just for cutting off the hair and do not even go through the first skin layer. (If one does not press so firmly that a scratch is created)

4 months ago

So let’s say it: If you don’t die, you don’t shave like a Berserker, then you won’t bleed at a razor cut.

Exception: You have a significant coagulation problem or the cut infects and you ignore it consistently until it comes to sepsis.

But as I said, in order to die in ‘normal’ razor, you have to turn yourself in a bit of a sense.

4 months ago

As a rule of thumb, if you violate a blood vessel life-threateningly, then you’re drinking the whole space in blood. That sucks and sprays like crazy.

The second possibility of injuring itself in such a way or similarly at risk of life would be with inconspicuous bleeding wounds that do not close.

An average adult has about 6 liters of blood in the body. Only when about 2 liters of blood have been lost will a person become unconscious. After about 2.5 litres of loss, death is halfway safe. However, the first lost liter can be fatal if it leads to complications.

Shake so much water in the bathroom to have an estimated value.

4 months ago

I find it very responsible of you that you wrote the note in the last paragraph! Really good!

I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think it’s possible. I really lack the imagination that this is possible.

But the answer is without guarantee. Therefore, do not rely on it and then use less force. 😊

4 months ago

So if you’re making this with your disposable sharks. The likelihood that the stalk breaks off and you meet the arteries with the stalk is higher. 😂

If you’re such a bear, maybe you shouldn’t use disposable sharks. There are better those who are also cheap.