Kann man Wäsche mit Waschmittel mit 60 Grad maximal auch danach in den Trockner?
Ich habe meine Wäsche mit dem Fein & Woll Waschbalsam von Frosch gewaschen
Und da steht für Wäsche von 20-60 Grad. Kann ich danach die Wäsche auch in den Trockner oder nicht, weil der Trockner bei 90-120 Grad trocknet?
This depends on the washing, the cleaning agent should not be present after washing and the 20-60 degrees refer to the temperature in which the cleaning agent acts.
Sure. It’s about washing.
90-120 degrees. Do you have an exhaust air, condenser or heat pump dryer?
Faith Air/Condense Dryer
Exhaust air and condensation is a big difference. Exhaust air = a hose leads away from the device ( ideally from the window) and condensation that it has a drawer for water and no hose. Heat pump similar to condenser, only lasting and longer run times
Then it’s condensation.
Hello donkeyXP
You can only add laundry to the dryer, which can also be dried with the dryer. If the care identifier indicates that the laundry must not be dried (a circle in a square with an X smeared) then the laundry must not be put into the dryer.
In the case of washing, the dryer must be switched to “low temperature” only at a maximum of 30°.
Greetings HobbyTfz