Kann man vor einem Schwangerschaftsabbruch noch ein Ultraschallbild bekommen?

Hallo ihr lieben, ich hab mal folgende Frage, ich bin ungewollt schwanger in der 10. Woche, wir haben uns für einen Abbruch entschieden da wir Momentan in einer 2 Zimmer Wohnung auf 48qm² zu dritt als Ehepaar mit einer gemeinsamen Tochter wohnen die sehr viele Mängel hat wie Schimmel in den Wänden, da ich meinem Kind sowas nicht zumuten möchte haben wir uns für den Schritt schwerenherzens entschieden, die Entscheidung hatte allerdings noch weitere Gründe da ich es Psychisch und Körperlich im Moment nicht schaffe und Familiär sehr viele Probleme habe! Ich habe jetzt am Freitag den Termin zum Abbruch allerdings möchte ich gerne vorher noch ein Ultraschallbild für mich haben um besser damit umgehen zu können und für mich als Erinnerung was mir sehr wichtig ist, ist sowas möglich vor dem Abbruch einen weiteren Ultraschall machen zu lassen und ein Ultraschallbild zu bekommen?

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1 year ago

Dear Sandra,

the last few weeks weren’t easy for you! You’re hopelessly pregnant and with a heavy heart do you think of the abortion date tomorrow? And you wish a photo of your baby, don’t forget. How did you ever make the last weeks, are you in the 10th week?

You live in a small apartment, with your child, and you don’t want to give the baby these unhealthy mold conditions? Dear Sandra, the state of your common apartment is also very harmful to health and not reasonable for you both and your little daughter! You know that yourself… Do you live in a city, is it very difficult or expensive to find another, better apartment? Clearly, your psyche is attacked if it’s so difficult in terms of living, and it doesn’t work well. Is it difficult with your husband?

What do you need now for you so you can feel better in general, dear Sandra? Would you like to write again, I’ll send you a friendship request, hope you can find it?

All love, lots of strength for you!

1 year ago

Yes, that is not a problem, because it is made an ultrasound immediately before the abortion.

Don’t let anyone talk to you, and do what you think is right.

But why the survey should be good is not quite clear to me, are you still uncertain about the abortion?

1 year ago

If you still want to know anything, just ask, even by PN if you don’t want to ask publicly, I have driven off with 19 myself, so you can also say everything you want to know at the end;)

1 year ago


I do not know exactly what you want to ask with the 4 voting options.

Yes, you can still require an ultrasound image during pregnancy termination. I guess there’s still an ultrasound picture if the doctor hadn’t done it at a first interview.

Kind regards


1 year ago

Let it be, you will always look at the image of a child that you will not want to bear. Psychically, this should have a negative effect.

1 year ago

From the 9th week you can see the child on the ultrasound. Whether the doctors make a picture, you have to ask the questions. Technically possible. Must pay.

But as I said, if your psyche has already been beaten, I strongly recommend it. You would carry the image of a person, for whose death you are directly responsible.

1 year ago

You can call it disgusting, I’m just taking it to the point.

1 year ago

I’m glad you’re still trying to talk to the questioner. That’s a bad thing.

1 year ago

You shouldn’t do that, because that’s how you never get the demolition.

Apart from coming to the doctor and paying for yourself would be an option.