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In principle, although Ibuprofen is now one of the less dangerous drugs in this respect, it is necessary to take an enormous amount to die of it.
For example, Paracetamol is far more dangerous.
Parcentamol is poisoned in larger quantities but this takes
The problem with paracetamol is that you do not need a particularly large amount at all. Already from a dose of about 8-10 g within 24 hours, a normal-weighted adult can lead to poisoning with (untreated) fatal outcome, which is 8-10 tablets of 1000 mg. In a toddler, swallowing of a single such tablet can already be life-threatening.
Of all free-commercial painkillers, Paracetamol is the safest and most beneficial in the case of overdose, but the most dangerous.
So if you take a lot of painkillers at once, then you have an overdose that can lead to different symptoms, also fainting. If you combine it with other medicines, you can already die.
In the long term it leads to liver and kidney damage, but not to death.
No. But too many painkillers can burden and damage the kidneys.
You can already have to get organ failure first I think
Death is coincidence you want to think it survived it was despicable you die cruel game of God’s fate