Can you get muscle cramps from lying down too much?
Hello, I had extreme pain in my thoracic spine all week and could barely move.
I've been lying on my back for a week, which I never do!
Today, when I woke up, I noticed how much my chest had hardened. Now even my armpits hurt, as if I'd just been exercising.
Can someone tell me what this is? My entire chest and neck are just stiff, and it's a really strange feeling.
Thanks for an answer in advance
Sounds like a tight muscle.
No. Muscle cat is the result of uninhabited physical activity lying does not make muscle cat
And I hope you are in medical treatment all the others would be fatal and irresponsible with your complaints.
Good improvement
That’s not a muscle cat that’s a tension. And you can get that from too much or bad.
Thank you for your answer! You know what’s best to help?
A hot bath preferably with something like, for example, Japan oil or the like can relieve something.
Otherwise there would be a professional massage.
No, because the activities that lead to the muscle cat are missing.