Kann man von Tüv zu Dekra wechseln?
Ich warte schon seit ungefähr 3 Monate auf einen Prüfungstermin und wenn ich meine Fahrschule frage wo ich auf die Prüfungsliste stehe sagen die ,,du musst halt noch warten, weil alle Prüfer derzeit krank sind“. Und das schon seit 3 Monaten!
For an FS, either TÜV OR Dekra is responsible, not both. You can look for a driving school where the Dekra checks and changes. But it takes money and takes time, and there is no way that it goes faster, it is full everywhere.
So mine has DEKRA AND TÜV
Then ask your driving school.
It would be possible in principle. If you’re in Berlin, you’ll have to make a new application at LABO and I’m very honest: that’s not worth it. Maybe after that it will last even longer
Did you find out about the change? I’m just in the same situation
Of course, it is also a “special regulation” because I live in Berlin and therefore both TÜV and DEKRA are active. In other Länder, this is unlikely