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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

At least theoretically, each substance can be dosed so high that its consumption leads to death. In practice, this can only not always be realized easily. With cannabis, the deadly overdose in normal health is virtually impossible.

It may become acutely dangerous in high quantities for people who are preloaded by heart circulation. For health reasons, those who need to dispense with caffeine should also do without cannabis. Maybe interesting: substances/cannabis_53341#Contraindication

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

10 months ago


Can you die from cannabis if of how much?


How much… can’t be presented at a flat rate. It depends on many factors, age, general condition…

More than 120,000 people die prematurely every year in Germany. The ciffing is included just like cigars, whistles, herbal cigarettes…

It’s a death guess, like smoking cigarettes.

Where smoking cannabis is clearly more harmful than smoking cigarettes and tobacco. The pollutants in this case move between factor 5 and factor 20 above those of cigarette smoke. This confirms 3 studies (from Canada, Switzerland and New Zealand) independently.

To die on an overdose of cannabis is less common, but it has already been.


Two deaths among young healthy men leave legal practitioners Forensic Science International (2014; doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.02.001) doubt that cannabis is a safe drug. One of the men had collapsed in public transport at the age of 23 and died after 40 minutes of unsuccessful reanimation. The other at the age of 28 had been found dead by his girlfriend at home. In both patients, the legal physicians were unable to determine any other possible cause in the obduction than the THC concentrations in the blood increased at the time of death.In the 23-year-old man, the legal physician Benno Hartung, Uniklinikum Düsseldorf, and the toxicologist Silke Kauferstein from the University Hospital Frankfurt/Main are relatively safe. The man had a dilatative cardiomyopathy. THC could have induced a deadly cardiac arrhythmia with the other patient, the assumption of a sudden heart death remains an exclusion diagnosis based on the known effects of cannabis drug on heart and circulation. Genetic causes of sudden heart death, such as long-QR syndrome, were not present in patients.

A few years ago, Norwegian court physicians had described six deaths among young consumers, which they also returned to the cardiovascular side effects of THC (Forensic Science International 2001; 124: 200–203).

Suicides after cannabis use can be regularly reported…

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

10 months ago

You can’t smoke it. Then you just faint and can’t smoke further. At least a fire can arise.

If you swallow it, but even THC can lead to death overdosed. You have to take a lot.

Smoked THC is active from two milligrams, orally administered from twenty milligrams. No lethal dose is known to humans. The lethal THC dose in rats is 29 mg/kg (intravenous) or 666 mg/kg (oral) and 128 mg/kg (intravenous) for monkeys. If this result is transferred to humans, the theoretical fatal dosage for a 70 kilogram patient is deceived from 2.03 to 8.96 grams (i.v.) or 46.62 grams (oral) THC. However, these values are not realistic.

10 months ago

Ne, compared to other drugs, there is no potentially fatal overdose in cannabis, or at least this has never been observed before

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10 months ago

hasn’t been “deaded” yet!

10 months ago

ne es it is as good as impossible to die of ner overdose cannabis 👍