Kann man vom Klavier spielen krumme Finger bekommen?
Ich spiele seit 9 Jahren Klavier, also seit ich 5 bin. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Finger ein bisschen krummer geworden sind. Jetzt nicht extrem oder so aber ein ganz klein bisschen.
Probleme mit den Fingern hatte ich nie, nur manchmal eine Art „Muskelkater“ nach dem Klavier spielen, wenn ich mal relativ große Griffe greifen musste.
Oder kann das gar nicht davon kommen?
Well, there’s nothing that doesn’t exist. That is why it is necessary to be somewhat cautious about this issue. But:
There is no known case that someone from the piano playing with an adequate, controlled piano technique would have received “crupe” fingers. On the contrary: to move and to load easily is healthy and helps to keep the limbs strong and movable. Of course, this also applies to the hands. “Controlled piano technology” means playing with a round hand for a relaxed basic attitude.
Krumme fingers can be obtained, for example, by arthritis, gout or morbus dupuytren. However, these diseases are not related to piano playing.
Thank you for this detailed answer 😊
Thank you for your attention! ⭐
I’m not a piano player, but I can assure you that you don’t necessarily get your finger from piano games. For example, I’ve got my fingers and I don’t know where. But it’s basically not bad to have crummed fingers as long as it doesn’t hurt. You could ask your doctor what he thinks if you’re seriously worried.
Objection, Your Honor!
Depending on the type of curvature and disease it is, it can be a malformation which gradually progresses but constantly. Some diseases are hardly to be treated at an advanced stage and can lead to the fact that one is no longer able to cope with life alone.
thank you for the answer, it doesn’t hurt and I don’t worry about it, just interested me 😇