Kann man vom Burger King Lebensmittelvergiftung kriegen?
Weil hab seit Burger King besucht Bauchschmerzen, Durchfall , Übelkeit,grippeähnliche Symptome
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Mir ist klar, dass es nicht gesund ist, dennoch interessiert mich eure Meinung. Ich esse zum Beispiel Ramen sehr gerne. 🍜🍙🥟🍱🥡
You can get food poisoning at any restaurant if it does not comply with regulations on hygiene and storage of food
“by Burger King“not because this is not a concrete food but a Company name.
In principle, food poisoning can be obtained from any food in any restaurant when the food is spoiled or has been prepared unhygienic and contaminated with pathogens.
Whether this was the case with you in the branch of a fast restaurant that you visited, we cannot judge from the distance.
In food poisoning (salmonella), you also have flu-like symptoms! Sure!
Okay, I didn’t know that before. Thanks for the info! 👍
Then I’ll take that sentence out of my answer so that I don’t spread anything wrong.
My wife and I have had this independently of each other. Every time the health office was at our door to check the hygienic housing conditions.
But we knew every time we had it. Once it was of unwashed fruit and once a restaurant visit in Paris.
Go to the doctor and let you examine if it doesn’t get better after a week. I can’t say exactly if you have food poisoning. It may be that you either have eaten a lot or you have an incompatibility, anything can be possible.
This is even very fast when someone in the kitchen is ill, for example, with a stomach intestine and does not pay enough attention to hygiene.
I had a visit to BK myself and since that I had a certain “restaurant”.
Yes, you can… if these are contaminated, for example, by salmonella etc.
This is not a charge against Burger King. This can happen to any restaurant, no matter whether system gastronomy or 5 star restaurant.
Therefore, in such cases it would be important to inform the Health Office immediately so that it accepts the restaurant and examines the hygiene conditions there.
There are currently massive gastrointestinal infects in circulation. And flu-like symptoms do not match food poisoning.
Sure. If the food is not good or the BK is not hygienic tip top, this can happen!
Actually, not if it were an exception.
Not from Burger King, more of inedible food.
Of course that can happen. I had several times before the boycott. Hygiene in some branches is more than underground
had it before.
You’ve even found body fluids in drinks before?
Burger King is so delicious
but also MC Donald
without question mark sorry I have tipped
Well, there are also vegan shops are more expensive but better!
But I am vegan and yes Burger King sells yes Veganes
Wouldn’t be surprised, as many Burger King branches have already detected catastrophic hygienic conditions.
So Burger King isn’t good?
Since these are all franchise entrepreneurs, they already differ, but it is noticeable that there is often such a thing.
Unprobably if you’re the only one who has it.
I’ve never got anything except what I ordered.