Kann man Vaginalzäpfchen falsch einführen?( (Scheidenpilzbehandlung)?
ich habe Vaginalzäpfchen verschrieben bekommen. Ich habe eben welche eingenommen ohne den Applikatior. Ich bin mir unsicher, ob dieser nun tief genug eingelegt habe in meine Scheide. Ich spüre es noch ein wenig , aber es ist nicht mehr zu sehen. Wie weiß ich , ob es tief genug drinnen ist ? Wirkt die Wirkung dann auch nicht , wenn es nicht richtig drinnen ist ?
If it is inside, it should dissolve and be absorbed. If it doesn’t come out as a whole, it should fit. Especially if you have used the applicator, it will probably have been introduced sufficiently deeply. The dissolved vaginal suppleness is distributed by itself as a result of dissolving, so that it would not be bad if it had not been introduced completely “perfect”.
Hello Ventorillix, thank you for your answer. But I didn’t use an applicator. I didn’t dare and I just wore gloves.
Oh, sorry, I read it. Vaginal suppositories can also be introduced without application. It’ll be fine.
I’m not a girl, but I’m sure you would have noticed if the pot had come into the wrong hole.
The urethra entrance is much too small for a suppository, so it would have hurt.
So if you’re not sure yet, try to put a little bit more inside with your finger.
Otherwise, if you’re lying, it’s gonna stay inside and do its function.
So don’t worry 👌🏻
You can’t put these bowls wrong, just not deep enough. Drueck the bowl with the middle finger as far as possible to produce its full effect.
Remember, everything that comes in is going out.
The best way to stay after that is to use deposits as laundry protection.