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10 months ago


the best way to control what you dream is about lucid dreaming. There are two kinds of lucid dreams, once the WILD (wake induced lucid dream) method, in which one passes into the dream state without mental sleep, and once the DILD (dream induced lucid dream) method, in which one sleeps normally and then becomes aware in the dream that it is one. about lucid dreams you can Wiki Page inquire (or look at my profile, I have already answered many questions).

Otherwise, it will also be if you think of what you want to dream before you fall asleep. The likelihood that you dream what you imagine is higher after a few hours of sleep. At the beginning of sleep, the body first falls into a low sleep phase which lasts about 90 minutes until the first REM phase comes. Within this time the thought of the dream can also have disappeared. In addition, one usually does not remember the first REM dream. If you stay awake after a few hours of sleep, and then go to sleep with the dream, the probability is much higher to get it, as you go directly to an REM phase (also called Onset REM phase). Your goal is thus stored even more consciously in the brain.

Greetings and great success! 🍀

10 months ago
Reply to  RoteSonne1983

Yes, that can help.

10 months ago

google times luzide dreaming