Kann man täglich 6 Stunden singen?
Kann man täglich 5-6 Stunden lautstark singen, ohne die Stimme langfristig zu schädigen?
Kann man täglich 5-6 Stunden lautstark singen, ohne die Stimme langfristig zu schädigen?
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When you sing a lot, long and loud, your voice becomes loud and powerful. It’s like muscles. If you train them, they will grow and become stronger.
Loud and long singing may lead to hoarseness at the beginning, but if the voice is used to it, it becomes gigantic.
At least it can’t hurt.
But it can hurt. With excessive stress, for example, bones can form on the tuning lips. Then they won’t close properly. That would be fatal!
If you shout uncontrolled, that’s true. But here is the speech of singing and not of boar. But if you take the voice slowly to the high shape, it does not harm the vocal cords.
What do you think opera singers have come to their gigantic voices that can fill up whole concert halls without reinforcement? And they can sing so powerful up to high age.
With a rock singer, that’s different. In a real vocal training you learn to treat your voice gently. Long singing damages less than too loud singing.
My former vocal teacher is a studied singer and has sung in a rock band for 10 years. He has at least one kill on a singing lip with which he has to live. I also had a kill. However, without overload.
Yes, I do very often. But you have to have a good singing technique, otherwise it is harmful.
Okay, but it’s normal that the voice is a little hotter after 6 hours, right?
If you do not sing wrong. If you sing correctly, you don’t sing so loud.