Kann man such bei einem Austausch die Families aussuchen?
Ich hane schon lànger vor einem Schüleraustausch nach Norwegen zu machen. ich war auch schon mal mit meiner Familie in Norwegen und haben einen Rundreise gemacht. Wir waren dann für eine Woche in einer Lodg und ich hab mich total in die Natur und Umgebung verliebt 💖. Die Leute hatten dort auch einen kleinen Stall was ich auch toll finde.Meine Frage ist ob ich die Leute dort anfragen könnte ob ich dort für ein Jahr unterkommen kann. Ich würde dann auch mit einem Programm in Verbindung gehen die das ganze mit der Versicherung machen würden. Ist das möglich? Und wenn ja, könnt ihr ein Programm empfehlen?
in principle one can propose a family. However, you also need a school place.
Experience has shown that it is better if you order a serious and powerful exchange organization to choose family and school.
This also has the advantage that in case of family problems, the organization is on site for you as a support and provides you with a new host family if necessary. Otherwise, only the premature termination of the exchange will remain.
In any case, student exchange is a larger project. To Procedure: You should prepare it systematically. There are
An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post
Best regards
The family I would suggest have children too. I could then e.g. They go to school.
I could ask for a request placement.
Do you know a program that offers for Norway?
At AFS, for example, it goes on and runs in such a way that the pupil applies to AFS quite normally, applies the selected host family to AFS and if both are accepted, the host family simply selects the pupil.
You can choose. It’s more expensive.
Every decision that is made during the exchange makes it much more expensive, depending on how long the exchange is. Host family is a decision.
One year is actually not a normal student exchange, that is a year abroad.
You can ask the family, but do they even know you and want that?
I’d do that normally over a program and more importantly, what do you want to do in that one year?
I want to stay in Norway for one year
I was thinking that I’m either trying to get to this family or applying to Outdoor College.
I know how the family is and I also have an email address and also a phone number. I find the family very nice and I would like to go to this region.
But you don’t even know how the family is, then you probably don’t have an email address, but you can try it naturally. Why does it have to be exactly the family?
Yes I would just write an email and ask the family
Yeah, I know the area, not the families. But you can’t just give a family you don’t know, you should already clarify it. As I said, go to the official path and register with the appropriate organization.
I’ve been there with my family and I really liked the area. The area is called Hjerkinn and the family believe Hijerkind but I am not sure how to write it ðŸTM‚. Do you know the area or people?
I haven’t heard from school yet. But how do you get to the family and know what they mean?