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joa .. with the parachute up there, and the helmet against flying birds, you have quite good chances. you should just get deep air and fly as far as possible before you open the parachute, as the air is bloody thin and you might not get the first kilometer as much until the whiteout is over after the blackout. In addition, the person who appears to suffer serious injuries due to the freezing at just under 60 degrees.
overall the chances are underlined rather bad, because of the oxygen lacking and the extreme cold and the extremely high friction with the air.
with an oxygen device and appropriate clothing would be a jump even from space, very close to the end of the stratosphere
Yeah. But not like the guy on the picture. Not at all.
Military HAHO jumps are about 8000m. And there thermo clothes and own oxygen supply are needed.
the record is about 41km. Therefore, a parachute jump from the height can basically survive. you must be prepared and also have appropriate equipment. at 39km it must be extremely expensive.
the normal height is around the 4000m, some jump also from 7000m.
means – you can jump from 12km and survive. helm and t-shirt should be a little short.
This lacks oxygen supply and insulating clothing in the cold and thin air at 12km height.
That’s picture is nonsense.
because the type of parachute has, the chances are quite good
but the viehic cold short-sleeved…
No, because you’re suffocating at this height. That’s it.