Can you break yourself of sexual fantasies?

Hey everyone, I'm wondering if a man who masturbates with images and thoughts of famous women from his personal circle can break the habit? Or rather, the thought of it.

Do you think you can stop thinking about things like that, for example with psychotherapy? Or do you think it's just something that stays inside you?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

In a therapy it is rather not about suppressing unpleasant things, but rather about dealing differently with them.

I think it is easier to focus on positive thoughts than to suppress emerging thoughts as negative.

In the river of your own thoughts and emotions, everything is floating, pleasant and unpleasant. This is not unnormal or problematic for itself. Even feeling sexually attracted to people you know is sometimes normal. You don’t have to be ashamed of it, but you don’t have to promote it either. Maybe helpful: How to train your monkey mind.

6 months ago

Great answer!

6 months ago

You can try to suppress it, but pampering doesn’t work.

A single such imagination is enough, and you are falling back to the old scheme.

6 months ago
Reply to  Nutzer12344497

You can try everything, but it is a certain fixation on something. It can be suppressed, but not lifted. Like a addiction.