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1 year ago

Yes, it is possible to get a so-called desired-iron cut. There are two hurdles, though. First of all, you have to find a hospital that also carries out the Kaiserschnitt. In fact, there are hospitals that place value on a low Kaiserschnittrate. And the helper of birth, i.e. the doctor, may refuse to make an imperial cut if no one is necessary. But, of course, there are also hospitals that carry out desired iron cuts. Talk to your preferred clinic, then you know what is possible.

And secondly, you have to pay the intervention yourself if there is no medical indication at all, because a desired imperial cut is not a cash benefit. With all drums and drones and stationary stay you can expect about € 4000. Private health insurances are not generally accepted without medical indication.

And it wants to be well thought out: an imperial section is a large abdominal surgery and the pain is not to be underestimated. If it’s stupid, the wound hurts for weeks or even months.

In your other question on the subject, I answered in detail.

At a natural birth there are plenty of ways to alleviate pain, after an imperial cut there are few options, especially if the woman wants to breastfeed.

Statistically speaking, children born through imperial cuts have frequent adjustment disorders and suffer more often in later lives from diabetes, infects and allergies.

Depending on the way the imperial cut went, the binding can sometimes be made more difficult, for example when several hours pass, until the mother puts the newborn on the breast.

Static is also evidenced that imperial cut children are more rarely breastfeeded. The mother is exhausted from the surgery, has pain, the milk intake is delayed.

In summary: if there is no medical reason, I would not recommend an imperial cut.

1 year ago

Some hospitals also carry out desirable iron cuts. In future, I find the desire for an imperial section but not. You have the pain after your birth and you have to provide the child at the same time. I’d rather have the pain during the birth, and afterwards I can take care of my child.

By the way, a natural birth is also healthier for the child.

1 year ago

Of course, if everything is medically clarified, also can have!

1 year ago

Can you, but you have to pay yourself (four digits) and then you have worse pain and far greater problems than a natural birth ever brings. The pains are really bad and accompany you well 1-2 months, and you can’t take care of your child for weeks alone, if necessary don’t get up without help for days, let alone go.

If that’s the right choice for you, say the KH you want to unlock.

1 year ago

If you wish, just like the day when it is to be picked up, there is only a small window because may not be too early

1 year ago
