Kann man sich gewöhnen Kaffee zu mögen?

Hallo! Ich habe einen extrem langsamen Stoffwechsel (liegt in der Familie) und ich habe gehört dass Kaffee den Stoffwechsel wenigstens ein bisschen anregt und daher würde ich ihn gerne trinken aber finde ihn leider furchtbar geschmacklich. Also selbst bei Tiramisu welches nur einen leichten Kaffee Geschmack hat kann ich es nicht essen.

Ich hab aber aufgrund meines Stoffwechsels schon so ein “Pulver” vom Arzt bekommen was man mit Wasser mischt und trinkt und das hat so ekelhaft anfangs geschmeckt dass ich jedes Mal stark würgen konnte und es fast nicht runterbekommen habe aber jetzt paar Monate später trinke ich das ganz ohne Probleme und finde es zwar nicht super lecker aber kann’s ohne Nase zu halten einfach runter kippen und muss nicht würgen.

Daher hab ich mich gewundert ob das mit Kaffee vielleicht auch geht?

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1 year ago

the joy of tasteful diversity and strong aromas is not innate, but learns.

It is believed that this learning process already begins in the womb. That would explain why children in countries where they eat very sharply. Previous sharp things like land. The baby in the womb swallows fruit water, which takes the taste of the food that the mother has eaten.

This learning process does not end with birth. However, each learning process is a cultural achievement that is associated with a certain effort.

We are rewarded for this effort with the joy that we then experience in the diversity of tastes and aromas.

I therefore think that you can also learn to like the taste of coffee. Maybe you’ll even be a real coffee lover.

1 year ago

therefore I would like to drink it but find it terrible taste

In what form did you try coffee so far?

So even at Tiramisu, which has only a slight coffee taste, I can’t eat it.

The stuff, i.e. generally desserts and sweets with coffee, I also don’t like to drink coffee at all even though I usually like to drink coffee.

That’s why I wondered if it could be coffee?

Yes, you have to get used to coffee, the more coffee you drink, the more tolerant you become too more disgusting coffee.

The easiest thing would be to taste coffee with milk and/or sugar at first. Dark coffee roasts or overextracted broodings that are more likely to go into bitterness with milk, also a tiny bit of salt helps (a pinch of salt dissolve into some water and then add dropwise). And the sour taste of light roasts or underextracted coffee can be condensed with sugar.

A better solution would of course be to buy a good coffee and get a little more involved in the right preparation. It makes a huge difference.

I can of course understand if you are not willing to invest a lot of money at first. Even cheap setups such as a Bialetti or V60 cost 100+€ together with good coffee and a cheap mill.

Here I recommend for the beginning to look where there is a coffee house nearby which offers tastings. This is a guided sample of different types of coffee and forms of canning. This helps to find out which coffee tastes best.

Here is a video by Tom Scott with the coffee guru James Hoffmann, just to show how a coffee tastes and how different coffee can taste. https://youtu.be/Z-iNAyu-ejo?si=7EFGpG481mhuGdPO

1 year ago

I don’t think you’ll get used to it if you don’t like it!

that is also not a problem, there are many other possibilities, whether tea or something… that changes again in terms of coffee that I think is excluded.

11 months ago

The taste learned with the taste is something that can be different. I don’t think so. Of course, there are products that you get to know better with the time you have to taste several times until you get the taste right. At the Martini (that’s a classic cocktail) I was like that, but I have to say that I never found him “horse”, I just didn’t find any access at first.

Something that you can’t stand out, you can at best train yourself “to choke without puking”, my opinion. Actually, what you’re writing.

Drinking coffee to stimulate your metabolism? So that sounds like a pretty stupid reason for me to drink coffee. There are certainly better methods – movement is spontaneous.

Coffee can taste extremely different – depending on the brewing method, coffee type etc. It can taste extremely sweet, or also super bitter. There is coffee that tastes very fruity, such that tastes smokey – but nevertheless it tastes after coffee.

1 year ago

So if you don’t like coffee, you can make it delicious with Barista Sirup.

Then your coffee tastes vanilla or caramel 🙂

You get it in good supermarkets (Rewe/Edeka)

1 year ago

So either you like it or you don’t like it, but it doesn’t make any sense to torment the coffee in just because you think it stimulates the metabolism.

If you want to stimulate your metabolism, then do sports to make you better effects than with coffee

1 year ago

Then try black tea. It also contains caffeine.

1 year ago

The least like from birth of coffee, all get used to it more or less quickly.