Kann man sich eine Programmiersprache selbst beibringen?
Wenn ja, wie?
Wenn ja, wie?
pub fn openfile() { let path = FileDialog::new() .set_location(“~/”) .show_open_single_file() .unwrap(); let path = match path { Some(path) => path, None => return, }; dbg!(path); } Ich möchte die Variable path von diesem Code-Snippet global nutzen, weiß aber nicht, wie. Dieses Snippet ist in gui.rs und ich möchte “path” in der main.rs nutzen.
… oder die Dateiendung ändern?
hallo, ich bekomme immer diese Fehlermeldung: : file_get_contents(Details/Details.php?id=$row[DID]): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <?php $id=$_GET[‘id’]; //$id=4; require ‘../connect.php’; $query = ” SELECT * from developers where DID=$id”; if($stmt=$connection->query($query)) { $row=$stmt->fetch_assoc(); $referenz = ‘Details/Details.php?id=$row[DID]’; $current = file_get_contents($referenz); echo $current; } ?>
Ich Programmiere gerne mit html und CSS Websiten und suche Ideen.
Beim programmieren mit Delphi in Lazarus stelle ich mir (als absoluter Beginner beim Thema programmieren) die Frage, was String und Float genau bedeutet und wann ich StrToFloat und FloatToStr benutzen muss. Ich habe gegoogelt und da stand, String sei eine Zeichenfolge. Was ist eine Zeichenfolge? Außerdem, was ist Integer und wann brauche ich das (StrToInt,…
Yeah, you can. For example, in which you are informed about the absolute basics by means of various tutorials. So, for example, how to output something.
These are the often seen “Hello World” codes.
And then you can slowly increase this by targeting yourself. For the beginning, for example, a separate calculator for basic calculations.
And then you can set the goals higher with time.
If you need help, you will find explanations, solutions and forums for each programming language on the network.
This was not so difficult for me at the time (1979) with BASIC. The BASIC instructions were well described in the Commodore CBM 4032 manual (which then cost about 350 DM).
I started to write very small cemeteries and then expand them with more parts. First it was only 5-10 lines code, my biggest BASIC programs from the early 2000s had over 1300 lines.
It was similar to Pascal. C (the Original Kernighan Ritchie C) I learned at that time in a course as part of a retraining course. This was, of course, much easier and more effective than autodidactical under professional guidance.
With HTML/CSS I started around 2000, then Javascript came to it in 2012 because I wanted to have this for my website in order to integrate my own functions.
Today, of course, everything is much easier because there are millions of tutorials on the Internet that you can use.
To continue practicing the language, you can set up your own tasks that slowly increase in difficulty. You will often come to the point where you need to apply new techniques. You can also get them on the net and practice them.
definitely. Especially at the beginning you learn extremely fast and you can double your knowledge very quickly – clearly if you don’t know.
I learned by implementing smaller projects. I thought about tasks that I found interesting as a child/younger and tried to realize the “likely”.
Because I liked graphics, I’ve done a great deal in the field.
At some point, I programmed 2D games. The code was, looking back, great, but has worked:D
And I learned the necessary thinking and approach anyway.
So if you have learned some basics, I can only recommend looking at foreign code and seeing what “good works” and what “not working well”. Then performance and code readability play a major role.
But in the beginning? Find small mini-tasks and solve them. You have the Internet, you have chat gpt now, what can stop you? 😀
Task 1: “Hello world!”
Greeting and fun
Books, various online courses, youtube tutorials (with the latter mostly being scrap).
I say that the majority of active software developers have taught themselves their languages in self-study.
The Youtube tutorials are really junk.
I guess someone did something and practically all of them copy that.
And now we are sitting there and have tutorials going through all control structures like a guide.
What beginners does Bock have to learn all types of loops? Complete demotivation.
Can you do something? 😀
yes, through learning