Kann man sich chemisch kastrieren lassen?
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, sich dauerhaft chemisch zu kastrieren?
Also sich entweder irgendwas in den Hodensack spritzen oder ein Medikament einnehmen.
Ich weiß, dass man das irgendwie unterbinden kann, solange man Tabletten einnimmt aber das meine ich nicht.
Yes there is a chemical castration, but usually in people who are in conflict with the law because of their abnormal sex drive.The pill ensures that the sexual drive goes against zero.But this pill must be taken permanently.Of course, everything accompanied by the doctor.
Then I’d have a vasectomy in your place. This keeps everything as it is, but you are no longer viable. This is not a difficult procedure.
Or don’t you want a sex drive anymore? If it’s about, I’d let a doctor advise me.
nothing lasting, that has not been really researched or invented so far, although they have basically finished the pill for the man, but they simply do not want to release it.
Otherwise there would only be vasectomy.
You can cut off the sperm in an operation.
You can leave yourself incapacitated.
You can testify and make ways????
😂 I’m sorry, I talked to a language program on it and didn’t look at the result anymore. I have already corrected it, thanks for the hint
I know