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1 year ago

On the package: “Minimum stable to”. In the English language room this means (more striking): “Best before”.

The MHD is the manufacturer’s warranty that the product will not lose any quality until the specified date. It certainly does not mean: “Absolutely off”.

It is a product which has been produced and filled under sterile conditions.

The food colour is probably a powder that is airtightly packed. There is therefore no moisture in the pack, from which bacteria could live and the powder contains no nutrients for germs in the present form. It can therefore be assumed that the colour powder will last for decades without losing quality.

The MHD is a premise of the EU and must be on every food, even if the product still holds hundreds of years.

So you can use the food color unthinkable even if you would wait a few years.

1 year ago

I think so….

because it looks like “dry” color.


1 year ago

If not yet opened, you should be able to use them without any problems.