Kann man sein eigenes blut trinken und sich so vor dem verbluten retten?
Stellt euch vor, euch wurde die hand abgeschnitten und ihr seid dabei zu verbluten. Kann man da nicht theoretisch einfach seinen mund Drauf machen und sein eigenes blut trinken? Dann Ist das blut Ja wieder im körper und man kann nicht verbluten
No. The blood would be digested and wouldn’t get back into the circuit.
You can do nothing. The body does not take blood directly from the digestion, even not its own. This means it is broken down into its components that are then used to make new blood.
Unless you save some iron, you can’t get anything further. You’d be bleeding anyway.
The most important thing in such a situation is to provide first aid and to let the rescue personnel lead on the phone in order to be able to optimally help, as well as to find out the blood group of the injured person and to pass on to the rescue personnel.
The body cannot absorb a large amount of blood via the digestive system, and by drinking blood, harmful bacteria or toxins could enter the body.
In short: No.
So blood is sterile that wouldn’t be the problem, but it wouldn’t be blood in the bloodstream anymore, so you would die.
I guess you didn’t get anything in biology….
Just look at :
only to see the differences. These are 2 completely different systems!
Best regards from Leipzig
No. Because then only the water is taken in filtered quasi and some substances. The blood platelets themselves would not flow back into the veins and arteries
Ergo you bleed
No, and it would only lead to vomiting.
No, they’re not normal vampires….
No. Then the blood is in the stomach and not in the blood circulation
No, of course it doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work. The blood lands in the digestive tract.
Funny idea. Eating yourself to not starving works unfortunately also not.
Your blood doesn’t get you in your stomach.
That doesn’t work
that is a good question now where I think so why it should not work 🤔(or I’m just stupid like bread)
Because the blood in your stomach leads to vomiting… How should it find the way into your vascular system from there?
There is still too little blood in the blood vessels to supply the organs.
The whole blood would be in the stomach and would be digested.
You revolutionized humanity. IQ 200.
No, that’s absolute nonsense.