Kann man Schnitzel nur mit Mehl panieren?
Wollte heute Schnitzel machen, habe aber keine Panade oder altbackene Brötchen. Kann ich auch einfach nur Mehl nehmen und darin die Schnitzel direkt anbraten?
Wollte heute Schnitzel machen, habe aber keine Panade oder altbackene Brötchen. Kann ich auch einfach nur Mehl nehmen und darin die Schnitzel direkt anbraten?
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Yes, but protein must be added, otherwise they are underfat and the flour does not adhere properly
You can take salt bars instead of panier flour. This is super tasty with vegetable carvings.
That sounds really good. Only I do not have them, and today shopping is probably difficult.
Not really close. But I’ll see. Thank you.
You can also make a panade of egg with some mustard and roll in it, without flour and mustaches… tastes super delicious
Really? I might try. Sounds good. Thank you.
Add egg, salt pepper, mustard and then turn the scavenger in it
When you get used to it, you don’t start
Turned into flour and well tapped. These are carbohydrates in the lower single-digit gram range.
I really envy you.
Well, I don’t. I am like a combustion furnace ^^
No, the flour I always leave 🙂 must always save carbohydrates 🙁
Thank you.
If you turn it into flour before, the egg sticks better.
Yes, it goes, it is called “melling” and prevents the meat from losing too much moisture and thus becomes softer. This is often done with short-fried meat when you add sauce. I like to milk my meat… because it tastes delicious.
Must go. To make it crispy, you could also mix the flour with corn flakes.
Yeah, I didn’t have cornflakes. I originally wanted to panade.
Turn only in flour, then in seasoned sprinkled egg and cook chips at medium temperature in the pan. This does not give a “thick” panade, but the meat remains more juicy.
You can do it. It tastes different.
If you got Parmesan, I’d make her Parisian way
I would dip and bake the celery slices into a slightly thicker spiced “pancake dough”.
Yeah, that’s all right, I really like it, because the panade sucks too much fat.
Okay, thanks for the tip. Then I try.
I just saw you mean celery chips, which I basically do without panade and flour…
Good appetite
Yes, cut thin, not more than one cm, because they need a little longer to fry, medium stage and about 15 minutes, little pepper and salt, more nix …
Okay, thanks. So just put it in the pan?
You can also roast it “natur”.
The thing is that it is not meat, it is celery. Because I wanted to make some other celery bone of schnitzel. It’s a bit too boring.
Then I would advise you to the recipe of Lysandra.
Okay, thanks.
Meat without panade are much more delicious!
The thing is that it is not meat, it is celery. Because I wanted to make some other celery bone of schnitzel. It’s a bit too boring.
You can also leave the flour away and simply roast the carving without panade.
The thing is that it is not meat, it is celery. Because I wanted to make some other celery bone of schnitzel. It’s a bit too boring.
You would have written that better in your question. You can’t guess. But still: also celery carving can be made unpanied: https://www.chefkoch.de/receptions/1234451228382278/Sellerieschnitzel-natur.html
You can also eat frit meat
Well, that was 8 months ago. This has meanwhile ^^
But I don’t have a frituse and two.
Parisian schnitzel with egg and flour
Wanted to fry celery. However, thanks
I’m sure you can. Aubergine slices are also fried only with flour. I would briefly blanch the celery slices into salt water, then they are better to burn them through without outside.
Thank you.
Egg and corn flakes
Sry, I forgot to mention. I don’t have cornflakes.
You can roast the scavenger without anything.
The thing is that it is not meat, it is celery. Because I wanted to make some other celery bone of schnitzel. It’s a bit too boring.