Kann man Scheidenpilz mit Jogurt Behandeln?

Hi ich habe leider Scheidenpilz und habe jetzt Naturjoghurt drauf gemacht war das ein Fehler? Oder ist das gut .Danke es juckt seit dem nicht mehr.ich möchte keine Medikamente nehmen oder schadet Jogurt mir?

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3 months ago

So that tip really got a girlfriend from me from her female doctor and she sweared. Your problem was done with it.

MIR didn’t do it.

Try it! If it helps, is good, if not enough, you must also resort to medication.

I think it’s good to start with the most inconsistent natural resources, you can always try, only if you don’t get better, from to the doctor.

3 months ago


No, household funds are not strong enough.

Yoghurt also has absolutely nothing to look for in the vagina and can contain other bacteria that then cause a bacterial infection. The lactic acid bacteria in the yogurt are also different from those in the vagina, so this has as good as no effect. So please don’t do it.

Have you ever had a mushroom? If no you should go to the gynecologist before you start a treatment. There are other infections that make similar symptoms and only the doctor can recognize by means of a smear then what you have. If you just start treating it, but you don’t have any fungus, it can be that the infection is getting worse.

There are also ointments you can put on it, so you don’t have to take tablets.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



3 months ago
Reply to  Elllymarie1628

Are you 100% sure it’s a fungus and no bacterial infection?

3 months ago

Bad idea, it relieves the juck irritation, but by the bacteria or even germ in the yogurt it can ignite and get worse.

3 months ago

Do not harm – but do not heal!

The mushroom will spread further and in the worst case attack the inner organs! This is not a thing where you can do experiments yourself