Kann man Personifikationen und Metaphern zu einer Farbe machen?

Wir sollen ein Gedicht über eine Farbe machen, ohne die Farbe zu nennen. Und es soll eine Metapher und eine Personifikation enthalten sein. Ich habe aber keine Idee wie das funktionieren soll. Also kann mir jemand helfen?

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4 months ago

Think about the color you’ve chosen. As a metaphor for red, for example, you could take something like fire or love or for yellow the sun or for blue the sky or the sea. You can also describe whether it is a cold or warm color, whether it is radiated or rather covered. As a personification for gray, for example, you could say that the color is often present, but rather keeps in the background and avoids the attention or black that it is liked by many, but still sad. Brainstorms just once, where the color is classic and how it is.

4 months ago

Look, there’s even a solution in a YouTube video. What I liked was the tips. They can really help you get something like that. I wish you every success
