Kann man noch um die Ehe kämpfen? Oder ist alles verloren?

Ich bin mit meinem Mann über 1,5 Jahren zusammen, seit 10 Monaten verheiratet haben einen 9 monatigen Sohn. Wir waren eine sehr glückliche Familie.

Ich bin seit 3 Wochen in der Psychiatrie weil es mir psychisch schlecht geht. Die ersten 2 Wochen war ich mit meinem Sohn da aber ich war zu überfordert gewesen deshalb musste mein Mann sich um den Kleinen kümmern. Er war selbst psychisch überfordert sagte ständig ich habe Angst und wollte mir helfen, damit ich stabil werde.

Er kam mit dem Kleinen nicht zu recht, hat viel Unterstützung gebraucht von meinen Eltern. Auf Dauer ging es nicht. Seine Schwester rief an und sagte ich kümmere mich um den Kleinen.

Die Familienhilfe sagte nein, weil sie nicht seine Bezugsperson ist. Deshalb entschloss die Familienhilfe gemeinsam mit uns, dass mein Mann mit meinem Baby zu seiner Schwester soll.

Nun ist etwas Schlimmes passiert er war total überfordert und hat unser Kind geschlagen. Natürlich rechtfertigt es nicht dass er überfordert war.

Er sagte er sucht sich Hilfe.

Er war aber nie gewaltätig gegen mich.

Ich weiß nicht weiter jeder redet mir Scheidung aber das macht mich fertig.

Der kleine ist momentan in der Pflegefamilie bis ich mich stabilisiert habe dann kommt er wieder zu mir dann Mutter-Kind Heim.

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1 year ago

It all sounds highly dramatic. The one with you that hit the child, his problems….

Fight? Sure. It sounds like you love him and believe him. He made a bad mistake, okay.

What should you do now? Well, you should give each other hold and trust. Believe in him, believe in you, believe in your future, otherwise it is already lost.
Talk to him. Tell him that you believe in him, speak him strong, show him your love, but also make it clear that the welfare of the child is above all and he must not commit such a mistake again.

You both seem very unstable to me. However, this does not rule out that you can hold each other. Two single-legged people can run if they only adhere well to each other and vote well.

Good luck!

1 year ago

The child should definitely get away from him if he doesn’t handle himself. And he should be better in psychotherapeutic help, if he is overwhelmed. Whether you can get it back or not depends on how you work on you and how stable you will be again. But quite honestly, I think that all of you went too fast!

1 year ago

Apparently you are both overwhelmed, for the benefit of the child it should definitely be gone first of all.. and just visit under supervision.

Or you’re going to a mother’s child.

And you both can take care of your health, you and your husband for his

Whether you can forgive your man that lies alone with you, does not justify what he has done.

1 year ago

Wohooow, separate!” Please?

You’re getting married because you love this person, right?

Sure what happened is not okay and you have to make it clear that it can go so far that the child is taken away.

But I find it possible to go through all the possibilities to achieve a solution and hopefully a better solution.

You’re a mother you have to decide for you and your child. If your inner voice tells you “protect you and your child” then no one will condemn you. Of course, you also have to take care of yourself and see that you are better and you can be there for your son, but he may not only need help from one side but from several sides.

I wish you all good

1 year ago

You can ask for a family call at the clinic. And he should also make a therapy

1 year ago

Whether you leave or not, is not important at this moment, but your child is safe. He seems to be in the nursing family right now.

Look, you’re gonna be stable and healthy for the first time and live with your baby in your mother-child home. Then you can think about your marriage.

Good luck for you and your child

1 year ago

No don’t break you over and protect the child

1 year ago

apply for housekeeping for the child at the youth office or health insurance; Advice to the social worker in your hospital…

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

… and this home care could then take care of the loving sister!

1 year ago

“He was never violent against me”

But against a baby that is absolutely defenseless and odd.

Overwhelming or overwhelming anyone who does violence to a child has for the first time affected any right of dealing with the child.

The fact that you are seriously protecting your husband rather than putting you in front of your child is so cruel.

But I don’t know if it has to be the divorce right away, it doesn’t change the basic problem that you both don’t get along well with parenting.

Yes, help from outside is now the most important.

The child in care of your sister.

Your husband in therapy, you in the clinic, you’re better.

Close integration of family assistance – for that they are here.

But you should really consider what is more important to you in the long term: your marriage or the health and life of your child.

If you don’t manage to take care of the little ones, you can come to a nursing family. You can still keep contact with him.

Love can also mean letting go and recognizing where its own borders lie.

1 year ago

I think there might be a risk of child welfare.

If this applies, the child should be permanently in a nursing family.

1 year ago

What are you trying to do? Your shields are extreme. Read your own text very quietly once more: there is a lot of negative in it.

A child is responsible. You can’t wear them both. This is fact. I cannot judge whether this changes in the near future. Both parents take care of a child – that would be ideal. This isn’t even about your marriage.

Tell me about days where your family was very happy. You didn’t tell anything about that in your FT. I can’t believe Ergo either.

Psychically burdened people – without appreciation! It’s neutral! If two of them want to bump into each other and give hold, it usually goes back. You didn’t know that.

1 year ago

the best thing is that child is finally taken out of these bad conditions, you let yourself divorce and both are instructed until you run round again.

1 year ago
Reply to  psimonp

Hard. But true!

1 year ago

Disconnect with him before worse happens.

1 year ago
Reply to  healey

would be very easy and no one cares about the child?

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

The child can stay with her sister. Or come to a nursing family.

And at the moment the child is not taken care of.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

At the moment both do not care about the child – although they could theoretically!

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

that’s coming home.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

The child does not belong when both are overwhelmed or she goes to a mother child home where she has help

1 year ago

What is it?

1 year ago

or so…

1 year ago

He beat the kid… what’s wrong with you? Whether you’re in treatment, the guy has no right to beat the child.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snake34

Overrequest just…

1 year ago
Reply to  Harald2000

So? And that doesn’t justify a blow.

1 year ago

explains it…