Kann man noch musiker werden wenn man erst mit 13 anfängt?
ich (W13) möchte erfolgreiche Musikerin werden, habe aber erst vor kurzem so richtig mit Gitarre, Klavier und songwriting angefangen, und weiss nicht ob das noch was werden kann. Da muss man doch schon viel früher anfangen, nicht?
Sure you can. But define “successful musician” – that can have so many facets. I guess you’re pretending to make your money. Even this can have different forms.
But you haven’t been here long. Now it is important to practice as much as possible, to learn your instrument rationally, and if you want to perform this once. If you’re talented, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be possible. Sure, there are children who are really good at your age, the time you lost, but don’t look for them, look for you and work for it.
Good luck.
But that goes, many have started properly only later, the others are miracle children.
I say yes. It’s all in your hands, I started to learn piano about 1 year ago and can now have 5 pieces. Of course, some things also depend on the teacher. I can only wish you good luck 😊. Just risk it and do what you can.
Without practicing, practicing and even more practicing, it won’t work.
Rather, luck and talent play a role than experience. Some will not succeed, although they have made music since they are small and some will also succeed with little experience. The sooner you start, the more you could keep working on your skills, but this is no pre-requisite for success.
You can still be successful.
Of course you can get something. Some people start a lot later.
13 is a good old and even if it had become later, one could have fought up with a lot of willpower.I have been playing piano myself for almost 6 years and, in my opinion, there is no perfect age to learn an instrument depends only on you
it is never too late <3