Kann man Netflix gucken wenn der andere Netflix Grade guckt kann man dann auch gucken?
Hallo, Ich habe eine Frage zu dem Alter von verschiedenen Personen. Und zwar ist Violet Bridgerton in der Serie Bridgerton 48 Jahre alt. Sie kommt auch in der Serie Queen Charlotte vor, welche 56 Jahre vorher stattfindet. Wie kann das sein? Außerdem passt der Altersunterschied der Königin und von Violet nicht zusammen, da sie in…
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Depends on what Abo you have
No matter what Abo I mean
It doesn’t matter. If you have the “normal” subscription, only one device can look.
Yes, you can watch Netflix even if another person is watching Netflix while using different profiles on the same account and supporting the simultaneous use of multiple devices. The number of devices that can stream simultaneously depends on your subscription.
Basic plan: 1 device simultaneously
Standard plan: 2 devices simultaneously
Premium plan: 4 devices simultaneously
Depends on what subscription you have. That’s the reason why several people can watch the same time at the different Abos
If you don’t use the same Netflix profile, if it doesn’t happen.
No I mean if, for example, my mother grade what looks but with the email address itself you can look at another profile with that email address?
Of course, if your subscription supports it you can also have 5 profiles and all look at their own profile at the same time. As long as you don’t go to your mother’s profile, everything fits.
Oops, that comes from tapping too fast and not looking what you write. ^ Thank you for the hint!
This is not true, it is possible to see a maximum of 4 users at the Premiumabo, definitely not 5 or more.
yes, as long as it is not the same profile