Kann man nach Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor einen Master in BWL machen?


ich studiere derzeit Wirtschaftsinformatik und habe vor meinen Master in BWL zu machen, jedoch siehe ich bei vielen Unis, dass ich nicht die nötigen mindest ETCS im Bereich BWL, VWL vollkriege. Diese liegen meistens so bei mind. 48 im Bereich BWL und mind. 18 im Bereich VWL. In meinem Studium habe ich aber nur so um die 40-45 ETCS im BWL Bereich, wenn Wirtschaftsinformatikfächer auch dort mit einbezogen werden und in VWL nur so 6-12 ETCS. Weiß jemand wie streng die Unis sind, also ob die auch ein Auge zudrücken oder, ob man die Fächer im Master nachholen kann? Und haben Fachhochschulen vielleicht nicht so hohe Anforderungen? Vielleicht hat ja jemand Erfahrung in sowas, denn ich würde sehr ungern einen Master machen der was mit Informatik zu tun hat.


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1 year ago

Does anyone know how strict the colleges are, so whether they also press an eye or whether you can retrieve the subjects in the master?

The University/FHs have quite clear access conditions and there is no eye to be pressed. If anything is missing, you will be sorted out directly.

There is also no possibility to catch up if there is an access condition.

If you mean you would have to visit and insist on the modules you need so you can only apply.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linuel

For future readers: The comment is not correct! There is relatively often the possibility to retrieve a certain number of ECTS from basic studies during the master. The corresponding modules do not have to exist to be able to apply, but can retrieve them after admission in the first master semesters. It may lead to the study being extended, but not even that is the case.

1 year ago

how to write correctly it depends a) on the access requirements of the master and b) on the structure of your Bachelor.

the prerequisites are strict, an eye will not push the universities there, and I have never heard of subjects repeating in the Master.

What could possibly be an option would be to see if you can show BWL and/or VWL subjects extracurricular, so you can write them even though you don’t need them for your Winfo-bachelor – but I’m not sure if this is accepted everywhere in the master application.

The best way is to make an appointment with a student advisor to your university, for something like that.

1 year ago
Reply to  fentanylfan

“I have never heard of subjects repeating in the master” -> However, there is a possibility in many programs.