Kann man nach rauchen noch wachsen?
Hallo erstmal, ich habe ein riesiges Problem ich bin m, 14 und 155cm groß, und bin süchtig nach vapes, also ich schaffe es aufzuhören wenn ich keine habe, aber solange ich eine habe bin ich süchtig also sozusagen semi süchtig. Ich will aufhören weil will halt noch wachsen, aber ich weiß garnd ob man wieder anfängt zu wachsen wenn man aufgehört hat, und ob jetzt generell schon mein Leben eingeschränkt ist was Wachstum angeht weil ich halt angefangen habe zu vapen.
and thus have to leave the fingers of any kind of tobacco products. Why do you think that legal requirements such as minimum age should not apply to you?
Then you get used to it as well as you got used to it.
From the ingredients, there is no addiction potential that exists only in your head!
and why do you always get some and bring them into your possession? Keep in touch with applicable laws and you’re not in embarrassment to do something you don’t have to do.
Again and again these children who have no glimpse of what they do with it!
Why don’t you tell me what paragraph you think young people are not smoking in general? I also do not see any paragraph that prevents young people from getting tobacco. The seller makes himself punishable. But not young people.
And don’t say § 10 JschG. The Tax payable on: tobacco products to young people and smoking in the public.
What law does a 14-year-old ban smoking at home in the nursery when he somehow comes to tobacco?
Yes, there are some studies that smoking vapes and other substances affect growth, especially among younger people.
Total bullshit!
By the way: Vapes can’t be smoked unless you ignite them.. bah.
🤦 ♂️🤦
There are no studies for smoking Vapes! You can’t smoke e-cigarettes. No burn = No smoke!
But there are
Smoking has nothing to do with growth logically
So don’t smoke in itself, but the nicotine in it already prevents growth
I have friends who are smoking and big.
Don’t listen to the others
Yeah. This makes the growth process more difficult and often young people who started smoking early reach a lower body size than non-smoking young people.
That’s not true.
The assertion that it would not have anything to do with the functioning of the body if you constantly poison the body may sound logical if you have no idea how the body works.
Or if you have to do a “no, I have no problem” self-justification.
You’re just in the nerves and claim false things.
All smokers are small
Oh, come on, I think you have functioning brain cells. So don’t do that.
These are the people smaller than they could be without smokingthe before the end of the growth phase started smoking. Thus, not everyone is absolutely small and, of course, smokers who only started in adulthood are not affected.
Speaks someone who tells young people lies because of which they may harm themselves, so that he does not have to reflect on it that he is ruining his own health.
Every bet, you would smoke this marss because of “smoke is health beneficial, with 2 boxes per day every 2.20 m tall, lung cancer does not even exist for non-smokers” if you were non-smoker.
Blabla blabba blibabb… Bulls kacka, moms tell a lot… You still grow, whether you smoke cigarettes or inhale vape… If I say that my friend is smoker and big, then the excuse with Gene comes. People do that to justify their stupidity. That’s all
Yes I know but everyone says that restricts growth, even my mother
You are only 14, of course you grow and at some point you can no longer grow
I mean my whole family are tough but so far I want to get bigger anyway
Oh, okay.
Of course you can grow. As long as the genes provide more growth.
♪ as well as grows as you would grow intact is another thing. The body works worse, so it also works worse with growth, so you can make less centimeters before the growth gaps grow.
Oh, okay.