Kann man mit VRN Ticket nach Stuttgart fahren?

Ich komme aus der Nähe von Heidelberg und Heilbronn und habe ein VRN Ticket und möchte nach Stuttgart fahren viele sagen das geht nicht viele sagen es geht jetzt bin ich mir unsicher und hoffe auf ne Antwort

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3 years ago

Unfortunately, you can’t even drive to Heilbronn with a VRN ticket, as the city is in a different road network, just like Stuttgart. The purchase of connection cards or tickets (also online) of the allies there is necessary for the journey.

An exception was for six weeks in summer 2020 and 2021. All annual tickets of transport companies in Baden-Württemberg were valid throughout the federal state.

2 years ago

From 1 March 2023, a 365 Euro ticket is available for students, students and trainees. It is valid for 1 year throughout Baden-Württemberg: https://vm.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/mobilitaet-verkehr/bus-und-bahn/transportverbuende-tarife/jugendticketbw

With this, students and trainees were finally equal.

3 years ago

No, Stuttgart is not in the VRN area.

This is the VRN area: https://www.vrn.de/mam/tickets/tariff areas/totalnetwork_web.jpg

3 years ago

The others have already explained that it is not possible. It would help if you understood the basic idea behind the traffic associations.

The VRN is a traffic network. In various regions of Germany, there are various transport alliances. Usually two traffic allies do not overlap – there may be exceptions.

The idea behind these bonds is that you can travel a little cheaper within a group (simply said; there are also other aspects.

Every traffic network, like the VRN, has a network plan where you can see where this network applies everywhere. Rolf42 already posted it. You can find him more detailed here:


A traffic network is always divided into zones or honeycombs. That’s the same thing under the line. These enable a simplified price determination. On the train, a ticket usually costs after the kilometre. However, if you travel within a traffic network (or even a collective agreement), you only have to count the zones or honeycombs you travel through and the VRN website or VRN-Automaten is the price for the number of zones. Well, it’s a little more complex. But just keep the foundation.

There are certain regulations in various alliances that make it possible to travel somewhat cheaper into an adjacent transport network. Like connection tickets, for example. However, since the traffic network in Stuttgart (VVS) does not border the VRN, this is already falling away.

Each group has its own offers in Petto, with which, for example, certain distances can also be used by remote traffic or what I know.

To get back to your question: There are ticket machines of the train and I suspect there will also be regional machines in the VRN, where a VRN logo could be on it or something. The allies I all know have something like that. These machines offer tickets only for their own connection (plus possible special offers). This means that at such a machine Stuttgart should not exist at all. But just because every bond is different again, I would say: Try out. If this is the case, you can always check on yourself whether a VRN ticket is valid up to your destination in the future. The same usually works on the websites of the traffic allies:


I tried that. Stuttgart is not listed as a target. That already tells you that Stuttgart cannot be reached with a VRN ticket.

3 years ago

STuttgart is no longer in the VRN, so you can’t run VRN ticket.