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1 year ago

You can do anything with scoliosis! I’ve been training martial arts with people who had a crumble that you don’t want and who all doctors prefer to operate. They could do martial sports and fall, and don’t ask me how well and had no problems. But from my own scoliosis experience, I can tell you everything that has to do with scoliosis with tension or tension can paralyze you very quickly for the next few weeks, but does not have to. The horror were some trampoline jumps with me. Kaputt can’t do anything, but whoever’s hard can’t take his hobby.

Just try it out, you’ll know what you can and what you can’t and don’t listen to experts.

By the way, swimming is also a great hobby that is funny also related to martial sports.

The chair at the Kölner Sporthochschule was always the chair for martial and water sports. And maybe it is.

Swimming is perhaps the better idea. But as I said, in other sports too much tension and you may be able to turn your head a few weeks only under bad pain and get into the car becomes horror, or where your pain will be, but you can also train like that! It has nothing to do with traps.

If you decide to swim. There is an extremely important point in scoliosis. No swimming mistakes! Floating technology would be nice, but swimming mistakes are ruining the Skolose. A view from the bathmaster and everything is good. And, of course, on the same side, otherwise you’ll get a swimmer’s collision.

Otherwise a lot of fun in martial sports.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schulranzen777

A wrong leg beat, I think the main problem is called scissors beat. An odd head posture. Something like that. Every swimmer sees it. And if you don’t crash on either side or do no change, you’ll get a swimmer’s coliosis. Otherwise, be careful with symetry and body feeling, then everything is good. A good swimming technique is of course also good, the scoliosis doesn’t matter, but you have a nice time in the swimming pool.

1 year ago

This varies from case to case. However, I would dispense with body contact because of the reasons you have already recognized.

How about other sports without physical contact. Running, billiards, chess, there’s a lot of it.

Good success 😉

1 year ago

Depends on the shape of the curvature. It may be that you are restricted in some movements.

in principle: every sport is better than no sport

1 year ago

It’s not just about falling, it’s about the kind of movements. And between healthy and harmful can be narrower ridge.

That’s why it’s up to the orthopaedic who diagnosed your scoliosis, knowing what it looks like.

1 year ago

You can train but without a saving ring. You have to try

1 year ago

Scoliosis can be treated with a chiropract. So it helped me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Utzi67870

No, you can’t. Or have you just become?!

1 year ago
Reply to  somi1407

Yes, I am. There is enough evidence on Youtube that the back is getting straight.

1 year ago

If you just use the so-called Internet, you’ll see it. The Internet does not hurt promised 😉

1 year ago

Were you with the chiropract? I was there when I was a kid and had a crumble spine.

1 year ago

Did you have the scoliosis?

1 year ago

YouTube is of course a scientific page.

1 year ago

How much degree of curvature do you have in which area and are there any stiffenings?