kann man mit PayPal bezahlen ohne Bankkonto?
Ich hab auf meinem PayPal keine Bankkarte angegeben und eine Kreditkarte hab ich auch nicht.
Wenn ich mir jetzt etwas im Internet bestellen wollen würde, kann ich dann mit PayPal ganz einfach bezahlen oder muss ich bei dem kauf eine Bankkarte angeben bzw den Pin davon eingeben?
Why don’t you link your PayPal account to your bank account? Why don’t you get out of here if you’re 18? Don’t change the fact that you’ve logged in with wrong data and you’re locked up for life when it comes out.
If you are full-year, do it and use PayPal as you thought.
Only option without bank account or credit card, let you send money via family and friends, then you have credits that you can use.
Of course, you need to specify any payment method. Somewhere, PayPal has to get the money from you.
You can’t have a PayPal at all. The application to PayPal with incorrect date of birth is a Crime, § 269 StGB. Since your 14th. Year of life you’re criminal. Believe me, it’s not a smart idea to scare an international bank.
You can’t pay, you’ll be locked up forever.
You are minor and must not use Paypal at all.
Paypal is basically first from 18J allowed – without exception!
cheating on an illegal Paypal account and falsifying date of birth to pretend that you are full-year, although you are underage, that is data falsification and identity fraud => Crime in accordance with §269 StGB.
Read it. http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__269.html
The consequences for you will follow.
If you can, you must first transfer a money to the PayPal account
you were born in 2008, you don’t need to worry about PayPal anymore, you’ll be locked in a short time and the lifetime.
am still not locked pookie
How would you like to charge your PayPal account if you don’t have a bank account?