Kann man mit hyposensibilisierung sofort beginnen?

Warum fängt man mit gräserallergie hyposensibilisierung erst im Herbst an? Kann man das nicht jetzt schon machen? Hab es sehr akut schlimm meine Allergie.

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1 year ago

This is because in spring and summer there is high season and very many pollen fly. You would if you did this in the warm months, otherwise you would have too rough side effects. You’re already talking about the allergy. Awareness works in such a way that you get injected with what you are allergic, and the immune system practically does not learn to do any more drama, but get used to it and when the thing is completed, hopefully you should not react to the pollen anymore. Or at least not so strong.

If there’s anything wrong here, I’d like to correct. I was not a professional and the enlightenment took place 10 years ago when the pollen allergy was detected to me. 😅

This year I follow the sensitization… just too crassed what this year was flying around. I still haven’t returned my voice completely after weeks. 🙄

1 year ago

That would be the right question to your doctor. What was that about your last hyposensitization?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sotrue557

Sarah and the hyposensitization. She pretends she’s never heard of it.

I don’t believe this girl any more. After her years of medical history and various alleged doctor visits, which we have already received here for years, she would have to be an absolute professional.

But no, she still asks questions about how to behave with the doctor. It’s not like that.

1 year ago
Reply to  tajpms

Her whole life on Insta and Tiktok is a lie.

1 year ago

👍 Here at GF, she is always about to die and fit in her little movie like a gym shoe.