Kann man mit Freunden ein Auslandsjahr machen?

Ich bin 14 Jahre alt, und plane ein Auslandsjahr in den USA 2022/23. Ein Freund von mir macht das vielleicht auch. Und da hab ich mich gefragt… Ob man ein Auslandsjahr gemeinsam machen kann. Also in die selbe Schule gehen. zwar nicht zusammen wohnen, aber in die selbe Schule gehen.

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3 years ago


as explained: It is not sensible to exchange pupils for two, and it is also not possible for the United States to exchange pupils from government regulations. You will therefore not find a serious exchange organization for this.

Your concernto find friends: The experience of former exchange students is unambiguous: this is usually well-resolved. Here you can find Practical tips

To proceed: If you don’t trust yourself to come alone in a foreign country for a year, you can join a holiday camp in England next summer, for example, to test whether it suits you in 2-3 weeks. Most exchange students go abroad with 16 years; you do not miss

In addition: The year abroad is a larger project. You should systematically prepare the year abroad. In addition, there are

Best regards

3 years ago

This is usually not the case because it would contradict the meaning and objective of a foreign year.

3 years ago

As the others have already written, this is so unlikely in normal student exchange programs that you can consider it rusty as excluded.

The biggest organizational difficulty in student exchange is always finding host families, and when they live in the whole country, and the USA are r.i.e.s.i.g. There are several host families in the area of a school, but then it is in turn that these host families have a huge selection of exchange students, as the USA is also the most popular destination worldwide. Think briefly if you were your own host family, who would you prefer to take for a year: the exchange student who fits perfectly well with you in terms of character and interest, or the one who does not fit you at all, but necessarily wants to stay with you because he wants to stay close to his German friend?

What there are so-called select programs where you can choose the state, possibly the city and possibly even the school. They cost a lot of money, but if you both did, you can go to the same school. The two big questions are now: can you both afford this, and your friend wants it at all?

Since I am a very introverted person, and I do not like to open

I am also, many other (former or current) exchange students are also. It is not about extroverting student exchanges, it is about being able to overcome in the right situation. And that is, by the way, also the definition of ‘adulting’ beyond age according to identity card. Your parents will eventually be dead and your friend will lead his own life, and then you will no longer be able to speak out, but will inevitably have to interact with people you don’t know. Ideally, customers, employers and colleagues are, in the worse case, the specialist in the social office. In principle, a student exchange is only a “testing” of what will come sooner or later anyway. But of course, in the exchange of pupils, you not only do not know people, but also speak a different language, and you will have many, many, many many many encounters of this kind for a year, and you will be dependent on your ability to overcome you. If you are for yourself that you can’t do this at all, you should stay in Germany.

3 years ago

As I know, you can apply at the same time for a year abroad with the same organization, where both give the same wishing state… But there is no guarantee that you will be put together, I think the odds are also very low.

Simply browse organizations and inquire. Maybe there is.

But honestly, a year abroad also serves to get to know new people and to simply be put on themselves.. If you put this together with someone you already know, then you just sit on each other, don’t you?

3 years ago
Reply to  annla519

I’m afraid I can’t find friends… Since I am a very introverted person, and I don’t like to open. 🙁

3 years ago

No, that’s not possible, as you have been told very often,

I’m afraid I can’t find friends… Since I am a very introverted person, and I don’t like to open. 🙁

a year abroad is there to be more open when you are introverted you will not come far, except you can overcome your fear, otherwise you will never meet new people. Can I ask what organization you’re doing?

3 years ago
Reply to  jessii146

stepin austria (but not sure yet)

3 years ago

well, if you’re not sure yet, you won’t find any room. In my knowledge stepin has no more places

3 years ago

Definitely not – because an organization will buy several hostages in the catchment area find a school.

Most of the participants do not even have an influence on the state in which they make their training year.

3 years ago

Since this is contrary to meaning, an orga will be very careful that two German students are not at the same school.