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Hello, Rabea,
a pine surgery is not a small thing. It’s important that you have confidence in the handler. Often it is good when relying on recommendations from the doctor. But it doesn’t always fit. Then, of course, it is possible to obtain a second opinion. But this is usually not more than a first assessment. And then you have to decide. The health insurance will show you the limits very quickly if you are constantly sleeping with other doctors and are to create a complete treatment plan. It costs at least 500 € each time.
Good luck!
Yes, you can choose the attending doctor
In any case, you have to get a second opinion. Of course, you can’t make an opinion as often as you like. A second time to make x-ray images, it would be unnecessary.
The X-ray images can be given for examination with another doctor.They are even obliged to hand them out.
A patient cannot be prepared at the expense of the health insurance company.
The health insurance can request an opinion or turn on an expert – but not the patient.
A first impression, a cure and cost plan or a treatment plan has nothing to do with an expert opinion.
Okay, no problem.
my comment also referred to Hans.
Wrong line caught. Excuse me.
Common name
Where am I talking about opinion😂😂🤦 ♂️I just said that X-ray images can be taken for the second opinion, no more.Even you mean the respondent or you can’t really read & understand.