Kann man mit einem mobilen W-Lan Router andere Geräte nutzen?
Ich benutze zur Zeit den Handy-Hotspot und habe keinen festen W-Lan anschluss. Nun möchte ich via Router einen W-Lan-Anschluss machen. Also mit Simcard.
Mit dem Hotspot konnte ich beispielsweise keine Smart-Lampen installieren? Geht das mit dem Router?
Wie viel m/bits sind empfehlenswert? Wir sind immer wieder mal zwei die Filme streamen.
Falls ihr noch einen Router empfehlen könnt. Top 🙂
Yeah, that works. Actually, this should also work via mobile phone hotspot, but unfortunately you have no control over the firewall of the phone, so you can’t turn the necessary ports free.
In movies streaming it depends on how high the stream’s data rate is. Internet access should then be (clearly) faster. A 4k film needs at least 25 MBit/s to run without interference. Depends on the quality settings. A UHBD film (4k on Bluray) typically has 70 to 90 GB, which it has on the UHBD disk. You can calculate how much Mbits he has. However, a stream is not transmitted in any case by the internet.
With a correct router, IoT devices should be integrated.
To the bandwidth, there should be 50 MBit in the download. Evtl. you have to look for the volume limit.
Well, the router is far apart. You can take a LTE Fritzbox, you can also take an old 7490 and plug a 5G/LTE stick and then configure it accordingly. There are also other mobile devices, such as Huawei, but I don’t know if the IoT devices work. You’ll find a fare where you get a router, Congstar has something like that, I think.