Kann man mit einem Lokführer Gehalt überleben?
Hatte überlegt, Lokführer zu werden. Mit der Steuerklasse eins hat man im Schnitt 2500 netto Ich kenne paar Lokführer, die haben mir das gesagt, die Frage ist lohnt Es Suchdetails das Geld? Als Lokführer muss man immer arbeiten Samstag Sonntag .
If it’s a minus point that you have to work on the weekend, this profession is definitely nothing for you. There’s the content absolutely marginal
N is a locomotive leader and deserves very well.
Otherwise, there are also 2500 n good salary with which you can finance a decent life
Rent 1000 euro electricity 300 gas 500 and the rest for eating so where can you live well?
If your husband has already lost 1600€, you can’t live with 2500€. I hope that “most people in Germany” will stand up for this net salary.
Why 1000 Euro Rent? Depends on where you live. My last apartment cost 400 and was absolutely sufficient for a person. And I find 300 electricity very exaggerated at current prices.
Hardly. But you’re getting a lot.
Thousands can. It’s not enough for a Lambo.
for 2500 net most people in Germany are not even on
I think you’re wrong
Says the account that allegedly had to use 1600€ from the Caritas for a first equipment, yes.
In fact, most people in Germany have no 2500 neto 😉
Stop it! As a locomotive, you have to understand numbers.
And who can’t calculate how far he comes with 2500 euros a month has nothing to look for on the rail.
Please, don’t be for you!!