Kann man mit diesen Diagnosen überhaupt noch leben?

Ich musste wieder einmal wegen bandscheibenbeschwerden einen MRT machen und neben der mittelschweren osteochondrose stand in dieser anderen Sachen

Bedeutet das jetzt ich habe spondylarthrose?

Was hat es mit dieser wurzelreizung zu tun? Ich bin erst 30 und nicht 60.

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3 months ago

Of course. The radiologists describe very flowery, also every little detail. If you look at the pictures, you can better assess the situation.

There are also many people in the world who have no medical care

3 months ago
Reply to  Kater60

Radiologists do not describe flowery, because a medical finding is not a poem that is interpreted.

A radiologe describes what he sees and what he sees as exactly as possible, because most non-Radiologens cannot interpret MRT images, which is why most of them only read the findings. And whoever can’t “read” MRT images can’t “estimate” anything.

3 months ago
Reply to  AlexXandar

I meant that everything that the radiologe sees is simply listed. This does not say anything about clinical relevance. I communicate here with lay people in a language they understand.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kater60

You have no spinal canal stenosis, no foramenstenoses, no really clinically relevant disc incident. What is described here is seen in many spinal columns. It is important that you have an orthopaedic and physiotherapist who, due to the examination, knows what hurts you and also treats it.

3 months ago


This is a wear-related, degenerative change of the disc.

Painkillers, possibly as a syringe, anti-inflammatory drugs, certain exercises and an orthosis .

Unfortunately, you have to live with this, but if the pain is less, you can also make medical gymnastics .

And physiotherapy.

As it goes on with your profession, the doctor and you decide after the therapy.


3 months ago
Reply to  Marieanton278

Of course, this can also be a problem in young years, maybe you have a job where the disc is overloaded?

Didn’t anyone tell you what to do now?

3 months ago

You don’t think what people can live with. The sufferings would say you shouldn’t do yourself that because it sounds like a soft-heul.