Kann man mit dem Dremel Polyresin bearbeiten?
Ich habe eine Dekofigur in Form eines kleinen Häuschens bestellt. Dummerweise ist es ein Chinafabrikat und die vermeintlich eingebauten led lichter sind in Form einer mini lichterkette mitgeliefert worden. Es gibt vorgesehene Vertiefungen an dem Häuschen. Ich möchte gerne fragen, ob ich diese Vertiefungen zu kleinen löchern aufbohren kann um lichter einer richtigen minikette einzubringen sodass es dann vernünftig aussieht. Hat da jemand eventuell Erfahrungen?
To do this, you better take a correct drilling machine or even a hand drill, because in a drum you can only clamp tools up to a maximum of 3.2 millimeters and these recesses are obviously much larger.
And, in principle, don’t let you talk, with a drum or the like, you can specifically and super finely mill or engraving, or so joke. Cutting forces are produced at the cutting edge of a milling cutter, and they constantly throw out the path. To cut clean, the cutter must be in any shape Guide I have to say that I have to say that I do not think that I have to do so. So… Guide and not with the free hand.
Such fine drill grinders can be quite useful, but promise for completely different things than the commercials.
So, I’m working gold and silver with a hand drill and Dremel for something bigger things, so I’m cutting tiny 1mm diamond versions. These are skills so you don’t slip or the drill doesn’t bend. Depends on the direction in which you hold and move. The power also plays a role, of course, has to put something behind
Why not? Try it out in an inconspicuous place before, (vllt from below) if the material is too “inappropriate” either other attachment or otherwise superior 😉
The Dremel (or comparable products) are the savior in need.
You just need the right essay. Drilling, milling or grinding wheel.
Let the tool work and don’t push too much. Watch for good guidance and a safe hand.