Kann man mit ChatGPT noch unbemerkt Aufsätze schreiben lassen, oder merken Lehrer das?
Hi, ich wollte mal wissen, ob man immer noch mit ChatGPT zum Aufsatz schreiben nutzen kann, ohne dass Lehrer das merken? Haben Lehrer inzwischen Methoden um sowas herauszufinden, oder klappt das immer noch unauffällig?
Every teacher who is interested in his pupils recognizes immediately when the pupil no longer writes as before.
My generation – I’m 40 – still had teachers who didn’t know how to turn on a PC, let alone what Encarta or Wikipedia is. In the meantime, however, our generation is the teacher. Means that we have already grown up with the Internet, PC, smartphone and co., some developments and advances have taken place and thus no fear, but rather curious interest in what is still being created.
Therefore, always assume that your teaching skills know the tricks with AI and Co. at least as good as yourself. And that, of course, teachers also get along quite quickly, what and how pupils use to push themselves to work…
If you re-formulate it a bit and leave it away, then no one…
If you compose too much internet, so you can’t work with your head anymore, it will be very dangerous if teachers find out if this was written with Chatgpt
If you don’t use your expression, every teacher will notice it! Because ChatGPT doesn’t look like you do.
And then to believe that teachers do not notice when a student’s expression changes abruptly and seriously, is already damn naive!
I write about something, so the text doesn’t look like ChatGPT
Yes, you just have to change some things and make it gracious
Your teachers will already know what the text is written. They usually know their poplar homes and know how they write, how they express themselves and what words they basically write wrong. Just as you express yourself, that doesn’t create AI, I think.
If you re-formulate it and leave something, then not.
the teachers notice this . is now all water market.
Water what?
Watergemarkt aka it contains a sample what you can read with a special program and what then shows you the probability with which chatbot it is written.
Nothing’s wrong. As they said, there is only one probability in percent whether it is written with AI.
But they’re not mistake-free.
There are websites for this. And teachers have access to it. If they think it can be a plagiarism, they can chase it through.
Ok didn’t know there was something like that for texts. But doubt the teacher have something like that.
You can see that at the first sentence.