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We don’t know you for that. It doesn’t mean anything. You need to know for yourself whether you’ve grown realistically. Only because of your autism you are definitely not disqualified, because we autists can withstand a whole range of different levels of stress etc.
But it is important that you know or at least learn where your own borders are and accept them.
Can’t be answered on a flat-rate basis. You have to keep looking for yourself to what extent you have grown responsibility.
In addition, there are now in principle any regulations in the exchangeability investigation that simply fail the suitability in an evaluation diagnosis.
I can’t judge the point. You might have to look at the numbness. Or just let that kind of investigation do. At the same time, you don’t get to be trained as a FDL.
The easiest thing to do is to look at internas as FDL to see how to get clear with the working environment.
I don’t know if you can do that.
But I’ve been looking for something and found this:
Head of Mission:
Fat marking from me.
Yes looks feasible
Probably depends on how flexible you can react in rigor situations, and how (psychically) resilient you are.
in the profession there are often changing situations. This can be a bit exhausting for the one or the other Aspi…
So it should be crucial to how you react to such situations and whether you can keep a cool head. After all, there’s a lot of lives hanging on.
Apart from that, IMHO does not speak much about it.
I’d say no, because if you don’t get clear with stress, it’ll be difficult.
So I’m getting very clear with stress
Then I think it’s totally individual and you might want to talk to your doctor if it’s a job you want to do. You can also ask yourself about the train after Perhaps there are also autists who are already active in the area.
No, I’m sure not.
but surely, everything is possible
Sure. Always believe. And at the 1st group of drunk football fans he gets a crisis and makes nix more.🤖
Okay, I confused something. Thanks for the info. 👌🤗
If I were new to the foot-baldfans, I’d be storming the pits. Because there’s no FDL. In the stellwerk. This ensures that the trains are running long where they are to be long and everything runs smoothly and as little as possible no 2 trains are sent to each other in front. XD In the train the person is maximum as a passenger. But not when she works.
Not much.