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1 year ago

No, you can’t go as far as I know. So it doesn’t hold when you wash it. There are extra textile colors with which this is then possible.

1 year ago


it must not be an appretur in the fabric, no softener and no detergent residues.

the material has to be stretched like a canvas on a plastic board that you no longer need or a coated mdf rest.

the colors are slightly diluted with water and a paint agent, so that they are properly sacked into the bottom but do not remain as a layer on the substance. you work with art-fibre flat brushes, as you can press the color into the fabric with these without damaging it or excessively distorting it.

even if you want to work with acrylic markers – which I think is even better, the material has to be stretched.

in contrast to pictures on canvas you can no longer correct.